ACADIA is pleased to announce a new grant program for students and professionals to attend REALIGNMENTS: Toward Critical Computation workshops and conference. These grants, which expand access to both the conference and workshops for members of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS), architecture students from Mexico and international students from developing countries are made possible by generous support from Autodesk.
This new initiative includes four grant opportunities, listed below, with links to the respective application forms:
ACADIA / NOMA Workshop Attendance Grant, sponsored by Autodesk (Deadline: Midnight EST, on August 20, 2021)
For students: Selected NOMAS student applicants will be fully funded to attend the ACADIA 2021 Workshops. For professionals: Selected NOMA professional applicants will be fully funded to attend the ACADIA 2021 Workshops (including AIA CEU credits).
ACADIA / NOMA Professional Conference Attendance Grant, sponsored by Autodesk Selected NOMA professional applicants will be fully funded to attend the ACADIA 2021 Conference (including AIA CEU credits). Here is the link.
ACADIA Workshop Attendance Grant for International Students, sponsored by Autodesk (Deadline: Midnight EST, on August 20, 2021) Selected students, either attending school in a developing country or from a developing country and attending school elsewhere, will be fully funded to attend one of the ACADIA 2021 Workshops. Developing countries are those identified by the United National Development Programme. This is a competitive grants programme; grants will be awarded on the strength of the application, with priority given to students who have not previously received a grant for workshop attendance.
ACADIA Workshop Attendance Grant for Students from Mexico, sponsored by Autodesk (Deadline: Midnight EST, on August 20, 2021) Selected students from Schools of Architecture in Mexico will be fully funded to attend the ACADIA 2021 Workshops.
If for some reason you cannot access the Google Form interface to apply, or if you have any other questions, please email the conference chairs at
PLEASE NOTE: If you qualify for this grant and have already purchased a workshop ticket, please apply for the grant. If your application is successful, you will be refunded the price of your student ticket.